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Collaborative Prototyping

It’s an iterative process to progress a good idea into a viable product for a warfighter. From detailed research and concept ideation, to early and evolved models through a series of prototypes, we connect with the user and learn something valuable every step of the design process.

It’s especially true when collaborating with customer end users, warfighters, and stakeholders—to ensure the software or hardware solutions meet or exceed the needs of operational application in a rugged environment.

Since the beginning, Fuse has relied on prototype development, testing, and certification as essential steps in a process designed to identify and test surprise results long before a product is issued for battle conditions. This approach has served customers well for both hardware systems and software solutions.

Prototyping Experience

We use prototyping for software and hardware solutions, with the right approach for the next step in the design and development process:

  • Rapid prototyping
  • Full-scale prototyping
  • Flight test prototyping
  • UI wireframing
  • Co-creation with the warfighter

Unique Design Process

Learn more about our warfighter-focused design process.